Quality Improvement

If you have had a mock inspection, or even a real inspection, you may have been made aware there’s a lot of work to be done. Your management team may not really know where to start, or have the right experience to make the changes necessary. Maybe you have just acquired a service that was running at Requires Improvement (or even Inadequate) and you know there’s work to be done.

This is where I can support your team on a longer term basis to implement best practice across all of your domains, resulting in better care for your clients, a more enjoyable work culture for your staff and higher ratings for your service.

I won’t just throw a action plan at you, I aim to complete the change with you and your team.

Quality Improvement packages are charged on a daily rate and we come to a mutual agreement as to the regularity of the visits. In the initial stages this may be weekly, moving to monthly or quarterly as preferred as the actions are embedded into practice.

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Quality Improvement Today

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